Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 1: The Journey to Perfect Health

Today was a good day! Maybe because I got so much accomplished, maybe because I meditated or maybe because a made a superb lunch, who knows. It's day 1 of the 21 day challenge and today's centering thought was; I commit to living perfect health and, well, meditating on that felt good and really made me question what is perfect health. I am usually stuck on getting my body healthy but it is so much more than that, I know that it is not just about the body but also the mind & spirit, I just needed a little reminder. Perfect health for me means a healthy & happy mind, body & spirit, they all need work but at this moment my body comes first. With out a working, healthy body how can I achieve a healthy, happy mind & spirit? 

One of the questions asked today was; how would your life transform if you felt completely vibrant & strong? I have seen vibrant & strong people (it's rare, but they are out there) while walking down the street, they have a bounce in there step, stand tall, have a vibrant smile on there face, a glow surrounding them and it's contagious, the positive energy these people exude attaches itself to you, if only for a moment. This feeling of vibrancy & strength is exhilarating, wouldn't it be wonderful to feel this way all the time? With that feeling I could achieve so much more, preform better in all that I do, give more of myself to others. I would probably push myself harder to achieve my goals & dreams ...I would find myself again, my true self. I remember this feeling but it was so long ago. It's time to get me back! 

You can still sign up for the challenge and it's free! Just click here and begin your journey to living perfect health!

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