Saturday, March 30, 2013

I'm Still Meditating!

I may not be on track with my 21 days of Meditation but I am still on it ...just going at a slower pace. I am a Massage Therapist and Pet Sitter and boy have I been busy! How do I find the time? Lately, not to well. I have a space and time at home but what do I do when I'm at someone else's home? It's not my home, there are usually dogs running around vying for my attention (cats too!). So, where do I find a space for me? If I can't find a space I will usually go to the bedroom, hang my trusty "Shh, I'm meditating" sign (of course the animals can't read it but it is the ritual I like), shut the door and assume the meditation pose. Most of the time the pups & kitties don't bark or meow and I can get in some much needed meditation. 

While I do get meditation in it may not be guided. It's not always possible to get online or convenient at a clients home. When I don't have the guided meditation I will reflect on a past mantra or I will just focus on my breath and connect to the Universe, chanting "Om, Om, Om" until I relax and my mind starts to quiet. I have yet to achieve a totally quiet mind and I know this may never happen so when I use the word meditate it's really more of a "meditative state" or "frame of mind." 

Sometimes it's not meant to be and I don't achieve a meditative state, I get frustrated and my mind keeps chattering away. I don't like those days, so I take a deep breath, smile and move on. I saw a great meme that describes me perfectly when I'm in this state (see below). I have to laugh at myself when this happens and often I do. 

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