Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 4: The Wisdom of Your Body

Today's centering thought: I trust the wisdom of my body. It's doable but will I be consistent? I hope so. In today's session one of the questions was, "What messages do you tell yourself through out the day?" There are some messages I use when I am feeling off balance, stressed out or angry. One of my tried & true messages is, "breathe, inhale positive energy and exhale negative energy". I release that negative energy out into the universe but imagine it dissipating so as not to infect someone else ...I know, I sound like a hippie but by saying and doing it, it really does bring me release. Another message I use is one I learned in high school when I was on the swim team, it is something our coach told us and that we chanted out loud before a swim meat or to ourselves and that is "PMA", Positive Mental Attitude. It worked for me then and it works for me now. I Just keep repeating it until I believed it or had at least calmed my nerves.

Something I would like to do each morning upon waking; smile, stretch like a cat does, express gratitude and start the day with a positive mantra or centering thought. Sounds easy enough, right? Once again, it's doable but will I be consistent? It is something I really want to do, it connects you to your mind, body and spirit all of which I want greater connection too. Better connection is better health & well being.

Now for today's mantra: "Om, Om, Om" repeating "Om" honors our connection to the universe. Whenever you feel yourself distracted by noises around you or thoughts, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.

"Based on how we interpret what is around us, the brain and central nervous system respond by sending our cells a constant stream of messages that directly impact our physical state. Positive messages draw healthy responses from our bodies in the form of stronger immune systems and healthier sleep patterns, among many other benefits that can last a lifetime." -Deepak Chopra

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