Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 2: The Nature of Perfect Health

Today's centering thought: Balance is my true nature. So, how do you keep yourself balanced? For me it works in 3 parts: your mind, body & spirit, all 3 need to be in harmony and when they are it is awesome! Right now I'm off balance ...really off. Slowly I have been ignoring my mind, body & spirit and now I have a chance to bring them all back into balance, it's time for me to stop being lazy.

Meditating and Breath does wonders to get me closer to balance but I stopped meditating somewhere (so glad to start it back up). Whenever I feel stressed, overworked or tired I take a moment to breathe, what's great is you can do this anywhere. A simple breathing technique goes like this: inhale for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4 then repeat as needed, usually a few times brings me back, calms me, my mind gets clearer and I am ready for what life through's at me ...or so I thought.

The mantra today is "yum, yum, yum", I laughed too. Repeating Yum enlivens your Heart Chakra, (the fourth Chakra along the spine, along side the heart, aka Anahata) By learning to accept yourself, trust and be compassionate, you balance the Heart Chakra. Emotional healing is part of a balanced Heart Chakra. So, whenever you find you are distracted by thoughts or the sounds around you recite the mantra "yum, yum, yum".

"While our bodies naturally move toward balance, there a things we can do to aid in this process. For instance we can send our bodies messages of love and support by eating nourishing foods, getting proper rest, and engaging in activities that make us feel truly alive. So, as we begin to understand how our bodies take care of us, we also learn how we can better take care of our bodies". Deepak Chopra

One last thing, and I truly believe this, I've just been a little lazy in this department.

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear" Buddha

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