Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 7: Honoring Your Body

Today's centering thought: My body is a magnificent vehicle that connects me to spirit. Beautiful thought but I'm going to have to say this one over and over. I have some body issues and it's going to be hard to connect to the spirit so I'm glad that this session is about honoring your body. When you are overweight you see your body everyday, you can not ignore it. Some days I'm kind to myself about my body, other days I am angry but mostly I am sad. I am sad because I have not been taking care of my physical body (I am trying), I have been working more on my mental & spiritual state so in that sense I am taking care of my body and I have noticed that I have been kinder to my physical self since working on those areas. 

This is a hard session for me as I have been working on my physical self for some time now. I was not always overweight only in these later years, it's hard to see pictures of myself when I was thin, active and working out 6-8 hours a day. I was an athlete. I worked out hard and ate ...a lot. I suppose I am going off on a tangent but when you journal/blog you go where your mind takes you. 

One of the questions asked today was, "What are three positive changes you can make today to better nurture you mind, body and spirit?" For me it's daily meditation, breathing & aromatherapy, for the mind. Exercise everyday at least 10 minutes (preferably more) and keep moving, for the body. Last but not least, gratitude. Be thankful for all that I have, thank my body daily, thank the universe for all it does for me, for my spirit.

The Sanskrit mantra is: "Lam, Lam, Lam" repeating "Lam" opens the root chakra (aka Muladhara) allowing us to feel grounded. A balanced root chakra gives you a sense of security, stability and a feeling of a balanced existence.

"Because this body is the only one we have, we must treat it with great love and respect, so that it will, in turn, enable us to enjoy all the things we love. Thank your body for all it allows you to do and commit to making healthy choices that continue to nourish it." -Deepak Chopra

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